[C/C++] Sparse matrix MKL examples (C00, CSR, DIA, BCSR) gemv and conversions

Here is a code sample of using the MKL to perform SpMV (gemv), I put it in different functions but the code is not clean (mix of C and C++).
However it is easy to understand, there are the conversions and the call to gemv (as the references to intel website).
I put it on the web because after a few research I was not able to find a simple example of mkl on the internet, I hope this one will be useful to you.

// In this file we compute gemv sparse matrix using different mkl kernels,
// We first convert from COO to CSR and then we use the CSR to convert
// to DIA, and BCSR (Aligned)
// MKL matrix storage are presented at:
// https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/522243#F854349C-7075-4A36-A63C-EE7E2E869262

#include <mkl.h>

#include <cstring> // memset
#include <cassert> // for assert
#include <omp.h>   // just for timer
#include <cstdlib> // for random generation
#include <cstdio>  // for printf

// Utils macro
#define Min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
#define Max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
#define Abs(x) ((x)>(0)?(x):-(x))

// COO part
struct COOArrays{
    MKL_INT m;      //< the dimension of the matrix
    MKL_INT nnz;    //< the number of nnz inside the matrix
    double *val;    //< the values (size = nnz)
    MKL_INT *rowind;//< the row indexes (size = nnz)
    MKL_INT *colind;//< the col indexes (size = nnz)

    /** simply set ptr to null */
        val = NULL;
        rowind = NULL;
        colind = NULL;

    /** delete ptr */
        delete[] val;
        delete[] rowind;
        delete[] colind;

/** see https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520817#38F0A87C-7884-4A96-B83E-CEE88290580F */
void compute_COO(COOArrays& coo, double *x , double *y){
    char transa = 'N';
    // void mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv(char *transa, MKL_INT *m, double *val, MKL_INT *rowind,  MKL_INT *colind, MKL_INT *nnz, double *x,  double *y);
    mkl_cspblas_dcoogemv(&transa, &coo.m, coo.val, coo.rowind, coo.colind, &coo.nnz, x, y);

// CRS part

struct CRSArrays{
    MKL_INT m;  //< the dim of the matrix
    MKL_INT nnz;//< the number of nnz (== ia[m])
    double *a;  //< the values (of size NNZ)
    MKL_INT *ia;//< the usual rowptr (of size m+1)
    MKL_INT *ja;//< the colidx of each NNZ (of size nnz)

        a = NULL;
        ia = NULL;
        ja= NULL;

        delete[] a;
        delete[] ia;
        delete[] ja;

/** See https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520849#449CA855-CE5B-4061-B003-70D078CA5E05 */
void COO_to_CRS(COOArrays& coo, CRSArrays* crs){
    MKL_INT job[6] = {1,//if job(1)=1, the matrix in the coordinate format is converted to the CRS format.
                     0,//If job(2)=0, zero-based indexing for the matrix in CRS format is used;
                     0,//If job(3)=0, zero-based indexing for the matrix in coordinate format is used;
                     coo.nnz,//job(5)=nnz - sets number of the non-zero elements of the matrix A if job(1)=1.
                     0 //If job(6)=0, all arrays acsr, ja, ia are filled in for the output storage.
    // Init crs
    crs->m = coo.m;
    crs->nnz = coo.nnz;
    crs->a = new double[crs->nnz];
    crs->ia = new MKL_INT[crs->m+1];
    crs->ja = new MKL_INT[crs->nnz];
    MKL_INT nnz = coo.nnz;
    MKL_INT info;
    mkl_dcsrcoo(job , &coo.m,
                crs->a , crs->ja , crs->ia , &nnz ,
                coo.val, coo.rowind , coo.colind , &info );

/** See https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520815#D840F0E5-E41A-4E91-94D2-FEB320F93E91 */
void compute_CRS( CRSArrays& crs, double *x , double *y){
    char transa = 'N';
    // void mkl_cspblas_dcsrgemv (const char *transa , const MKL_INT *m , const double *a , const MKL_INT *ia , const MKL_INT *ja , const double *x , double *y );
    mkl_cspblas_dcsrgemv(&transa, &crs.m , crs.a , crs.ia , crs.ja , x , y);

// DIA part

struct DIAArrays{
    MKL_INT m;      //< the dimensio of the matrix
    MKL_INT nnz;    //< the number of nnz inside the matrix
    double *val;    //< the NNZ values - may include zeros (of size lval*ndiag)*/
    MKL_INT *idiag; //< distance from the diagonal (of size ndiag)
    MKL_INT lval;   //< leading where the diagonals are stored >= m,  which is the declared leading dimension in the calling (sub)programs
    MKL_INT ndiag;  //< number of diagonals that have at least one nnz

        val = NULL;
        idiag = NULL;

        delete[] val;
        delete[] idiag;

/** https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520852#00B3CA58-E0E4-4ED9-B42B-BC6338AB461D */
void CRS_to_DIA(CRSArrays& crs, DIAArrays* dia){
    MKL_INT job[6] = {0,//If job(1)=0, the matrix in the CRS format is converted to the diagonal format;
                     0,//If job(2)=0, zero-based indexing for the matrix in CRS format is used;
                     1,//if job(3)=1, one-based indexing for the matrix in the diagonal format is used.
                     10//If job(6)=10, diagonals are selected internally, and acsr_rem, ja_rem, ia_rem are not filled in for the output storage.
    dia->m = crs.m;
    dia->nnz = crs.nnz;
    dia->lval = dia->m;
    dia->ndiag = 0;
    // We need to count the number of diagonals with NNZ
        unsigned* usedDiag = new unsigned[crs.m*2-1];
        memset(usedDiag, 0, sizeof(unsigned)*(crs.m*2-1));

        for(int idxRow = 0 ; idxRow < crs.m ; ++idxRow){
            for(int idxVal = crs.ia[idxRow] ; idxVal < crs.ia[idxRow+1] ; ++idxVal){
                const int idxCol = crs.ja[idxVal];
                const int diag = crs.m-idxRow+idxCol-1;
                assert(0 <= diag && diag < crs.m*2-1);
                if(usedDiag[diag] == 0){
                    usedDiag[diag] = 1;
                    dia->ndiag += 1;

        delete[] usedDiag;
    // Allocate the working arrays
    dia->val = new double[dia->ndiag*dia->lval];
    dia->idiag = new MKL_INT[dia->ndiag];

    // void mkl_dcsrdia (const MKL_INT *job , const MKL_INT *n , double *acsr , MKL_INT *ja ,
    // MKL_INT *ia , double *adia , const MKL_INT *ndiag , MKL_INT *distance , MKL_INT *idiag ,
    // double *acsr_rem , MKL_INT *ja_rem , MKL_INT *ia_rem , MKL_INT *info );

    MKL_INT info;
    mkl_dcsrdia(job , &crs.m ,crs.a , crs.ja, crs.ia ,
                dia->val , &dia->lval , dia->idiag , &dia->ndiag ,
                NULL , NULL , NULL , &info );

/** https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520806#FCB5B469-8AA1-4CFB-88BE-E2F22E9E2AF0 */
void compute_DIA_1idx(DIAArrays& dia , double *x , double *y){
    char transa = 'N';
    // void mkl_ddiagemv (const char *transa , const MKL_INT *m , const double *val , const MKL_INT *lval , const MKL_INT *idiag , const MKL_INT *ndiag , const double *x , double *y );
    mkl_ddiagemv(&transa, &dia.m , dia.val , &dia.lval , dia.idiag , &dia.ndiag , x , y);

// BCRS part

struct BCRSArrays{
    MKL_INT m;
    MKL_INT nnz;
    MKL_INT nbBlocks;
    MKL_INT nbBlockRows;
    MKL_INT lb;/*size of blocks*/
    MKL_INT ldabsr;/*leading >= lb*lb*/
    double *a;/*values(m*lb*lb)*/
    MKL_INT *ia;/*i(m+1)*/
    MKL_INT *ja;/*j(m+1)*/
    MKL_INT allocatedBlocks;

        a = NULL;
        ia = NULL;
        ja = NULL;

        delete[] a;
        delete[] ia;
        delete[] ja;

/** https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520850#3A22B45C-4604-4444-B6FE-205A5CD4E667 */
void CRS_to_BCRS(CRSArrays& crs, BCRSArrays* bcrs, const int blockSize){
    MKL_INT job[6] = {0,//If job(1)=0, the matrix in the CSR format is converted to the BSR format;
                     0,//If job(2)=0, zero-based indexing for the matrix in CSR format is used;
                     0,//If job(3)=0, zero-based indexing for the matrix in the BSR format is used;
                     1 //If job(6)>0, all output arrays absr, jab, and iab are filled in for the output storage.
    bcrs->m = crs.m;
    bcrs->nnz = crs.nnz;
    bcrs->nbBlocks = 0;
    // We need to count the number of blocks (aligned!)
        const MKL_INT maxBlockPerRow = (bcrs->m+blockSize-1)/blockSize;
        unsigned* usedBlocks = new unsigned[maxBlockPerRow];

        for(int idxRow = 0 ; idxRow < crs.m ; ++idxRow){
            if(idxRow%blockSize == 0){
                memset(usedBlocks, 0, sizeof(unsigned)*maxBlockPerRow);
            for(int idxVal = crs.ia[idxRow] ; idxVal < crs.ia[idxRow+1] ; ++idxVal){
                const int idxCol = crs.ja[idxVal];
                if(usedBlocks[idxCol/blockSize] == 0){
                    usedBlocks[idxCol/blockSize] = 1;
                    bcrs->nbBlocks += 1;

        delete[] usedBlocks;
    bcrs->nbBlockRows = (bcrs->m+blockSize-1)/blockSize;
    bcrs->lb = blockSize;
    bcrs->ldabsr = bcrs->lb*bcrs->lb;
    bcrs->a = new double[bcrs->nbBlocks*bcrs->lb*bcrs->lb];
    bcrs->ia = new MKL_INT[bcrs->nbBlockRows+1];
    bcrs->ja = new MKL_INT[bcrs->nbBlocks];

    // void mkl_dcsrbsr (const MKL_INT *job , const MKL_INT *m , const MKL_INT *mblk ,
    // const MKL_INT *ldabsr , double *acsr , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *ia , double *absr ,
    // MKL_INT *jab , MKL_INT *iab , MKL_INT *info );
    MKL_INT info;
    mkl_dcsrbsr(job , &crs.m ,
                 &bcrs->lb , &bcrs->ldabsr,
                 crs.a , crs.ja , crs.ia ,
                 bcrs->a, bcrs->ja , bcrs->ia, &info );
    assert(bcrs->ia[bcrs->nbBlockRows] == bcrs->nbBlocks);

/** https://software.intel.com/fr-fr/node/520816#366F2854-A2C0-4661-8CE7-F478F8E6B613 */
void compute_BSR(BCRSArrays& bcsr, double *x , double *y ){
    char transa = 'N';
    // void mkl_cspblas_dbsrgemv (const char *transa , const MKL_INT *m , const MKL_INT *lb , const double *a , const MKL_INT *ia , const MKL_INT *ja , const double *x , double *y );
    mkl_cspblas_dbsrgemv(&transa, &bcsr.nbBlockRows , &bcsr.lb , bcsr.a , bcsr.ia , bcsr.ja , x , y);

For example we can compare these function (if we have a COO struct that has been filled)

// Utils part

/** Simply return the max relative diff */
double ChechAccuracy(const double y1[], const double y2[], const int size){
    double maxDiff = 0;
    for(int idx = 0 ; idx < size ; ++idx){
        if(y1[idx] != 0.0){
            maxDiff = Max(maxDiff, Abs((y1[idx]-y2[idx])/y1[idx]));
    return maxDiff;

/** From a Coo this function convert in all format and calls the different kernels,
 * it returns the error, the elapsed time */
void computeWithAll(COOArrays& coo, double times[4], double errors[4], const int loop = 1, const int blockSize = 8){
    CRSArrays crs;
    COO_to_CRS(coo, &crs);

    DIAArrays dia;
    CRS_to_DIA(crs, &dia);

    BCRSArrays bcsr;
    CRS_to_BCRS(crs, &bcsr, blockSize);
    const int dimMulitpleBlock = ((coo.m+blockSize-1)/blockSize)*blockSize;

    double* x = new double[dimMulitpleBlock];
    for(int idx = 0 ; idx < dimMulitpleBlock ; ++idx){
        x[idx] = 1.0;
    double* y = new double[dimMulitpleBlock];
    double* ycoo = new double[dimMulitpleBlock];

        memset(ycoo, 0, sizeof(double)*coo.m);
        const double timeStart = omp_get_wtime();
        for(int idxLoop = 0 ; idxLoop < loop ; ++idxLoop){
            compute_COO(coo, x, ycoo);
        const double timeEnd = omp_get_wtime();
        times[0] = timeEnd-timeStart;
        errors[0] = 0;
        memset(y, 0, sizeof(double)*coo.m);
        const double timeStart = omp_get_wtime();
        for(int idxLoop = 0 ; idxLoop < loop ; ++idxLoop){
            compute_CRS(crs, x, y);
        const double timeEnd = omp_get_wtime();
        times[1] = timeEnd-timeStart;
        errors[1] = ChechAccuracy(ycoo, y, coo.m);
        memset(y, 0, sizeof(double)*coo.m);
        const double timeStart = omp_get_wtime();
        for(int idxLoop = 0 ; idxLoop < loop ; ++idxLoop){
            compute_DIA_1idx(dia, x, y);
        const double timeEnd = omp_get_wtime();
        times[2] = timeEnd-timeStart;
        errors[2] = ChechAccuracy(ycoo, y, coo.m);
        memset(y, 0, sizeof(double)*coo.m);
        const double timeStart = omp_get_wtime();
        for(int idxLoop = 0 ; idxLoop < loop ; ++idxLoop){
            compute_BSR(bcsr, x, y);
        const double timeEnd = omp_get_wtime();
        times[3] = timeEnd-timeStart;
        errors[3] = ChechAccuracy(ycoo, y, coo.m);
    delete[] x;
    delete[] y;
    delete[] ycoo;

To fill a COO struct:

        const int dim = 3000;
        COOArrays coo;
        coo.m = dim;
        coo.nnz = dim*dim;
        flops[0] = coo.nnz*2;
        coo.val = new double[coo.nnz];
        coo.rowind = new int[coo.nnz];
        coo.colind = new int[coo.nnz];

        for(int idxRow = 0 ; idxRow < dim ; ++idxRow){
            for(int idxCol = 0 ; idxCol < dim ; ++idxCol){
                const int idx = (idxRow)*dim + idxCol;
                coo.val[idx] = 1.0;
                coo.rowind[idx] = idxRow;
                coo.colind[idx] = idxCol;

        computeWithAll(coo, alltimes[0], errors[0]);

To compile you can use something like:

g++ -m64 -I${MKLROOT}/include -O3 main.cpp -o main.exe -lgomp -fopenmp  -Wl,--no-as-needed -L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm