Main/only contributor:
- Scanet: A draft of a DNN lib (to be used in future projects).
- TBFMM: Lightweight task-based FMM using the block tree and OpenMP.
- Farm-SVE: Naive/scalar implementation of the ARM C language extensions (ACLE) for the ARM Scalable Vector Extension (SVE) in standard C++.
- SPECX: A task-based runtime system with speculative execution capability. Now supports GPUs and MPI. (It was previously known as SPETABARU
- APAC (not yet public): Source-to-source compiler for automatic parallelization using the task-based method.
- INASTEMP: A vectorization library that manages conditional statements, (supports X86 extensions and ARM SVE).
- SCALFMM: A generic fast multipole library.
- SPC5: A sparse matrix vector product library for AVX 512 and ARM SVE.
- AVX512 SORT: A fast sorting algorithm for AVX 512.
- DAGPAR: Direct acyclic graph clustering library.
- INPLACE MERGE: Some improvements to the inplace merge algorithm.
- AUTOVESK: Automatic vectorization of static kernels with a greedy algorithm
- CUDA Tests & Bench: some tests with cude to compare algorithms/implementations
- clsimple: a simple command line arg manager
- SPARSE-TD (not public): Solver for the time domain boundary element method (BEM) for the wave equation.
- FMM-TD (not public): FMM solver for the time domain boundary element method (BEM) for the wave equation.
- Particle interaction on GPU
Contribute(d) to:
- COMPLEXES-PP: Coarse-grained simulations of biomolecular complexes.
- STARPU: A task-based runtime system.
- TURTLE (not public yet): pseudospectral direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
- CHUKRUT: Conservative Hyperbolic Upwind Kinetic Resolution of Unstructured Tokamaks.
- SCHNAPS: Discontinuous finite element solver with OpenCL and StarPU.
- PASTIX: Parallel Sparse direct Solver (my modifications are currently not public.)